Here on O'ahu, we live in an area where many people love to come to refresh and recharge while on vacation. While traditional hotels offer a fantastic experience, many vacationers are opting for alternative settings. While on O'ahu there are many restrictions regarding length of stay and what properties qualify for legal short-term rental status, there are still many properties that fall into this category. We love assisting property owners in setting up their properties for Short-Term Rental Use*. We offer property styling services that reflect the unique locale of the property, layout planning, purchase recommendation checklists for each area of the property (down to what items to furnish your kitchen with, board game recommendations, and much more). If desired, we can handle all of the sourcing/purchasing, assembly, installation, and setup from start to finish for those seeking to setup their property as an STR! Click the button below to see a recent project we completed:
If you would like more information about our STR Styling & Setup Services, please fill out the CONTACT form and we will be in touch as soon as possible!
*When considering setting up an STR or MTR, please consult a realtor and/or real estate attorney for property specific legal guidelines before moving forward.
Our staging team does NOT offer any legal advice regarding STRs or MTRs.